Arizona Lease Option Services
Lease Option Contracting
The core focus of our Arizona lease option services is to help tenants who qualify as potential homeowners realize the benefits of home ownership today. Why pay rent on a home that gives you no return on equity gains over the term of your lease? With the FLEXLease option program, any appreciation in the value of the home belongs to you as soon as you exercise the option within the terms of the lease option contract. By using a fast and easy prequalification process, the FLEXLease team can quickly develop a plan and assign a FLEXLease option product that will work for almost any potential homeowner.
Lease Option Extensions
The FLEXLease Arizona lease option program is designed to situate potential homeowners in a manner that will allow them to afford to exercise their lease option when it is time to purchase. There are however times when potential homeowners decide they are not ready to exercise their purchase option. And, we have many potential homeowners who have contracted lease options with other finance companies and need to extend the term of their Arizona lease option but cannot with their current company. We can help by contracting the FLEXLease option extension.
Lease Option Buyouts
The FLEXLease option buyout is a completely different product and serves individuals and families who have engaged in lease option purchase contracts but know they do not want to exercise their option to purchase. Typically, these people would let their option expire but with the FLEXLease option buyout program, they may be able to receive a portion, and in some situations, all of their initial down payment back. Their are a few factors that determine how much of their down payment they will receive. The important thing to note is that these people must contact us at least two months prior to the expiration of their contracted lease option term.
FLEXLease Product Mix
Lease Option Contracting
Lease Option Extensions
Lease Option Buyouts
Lease Now and Live Like an Owner with FLEXLease
An affordable and secure option for home ownership that will allow you to purchase your home within your term, when you're ready.
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